How to Invite Your Hired Caregiver to VerifyCare

With the increasing cost of long-term care, many families are turning to alternative care options for their aging loved ones. This could be taking on the responsibility themselves or hiring a private caregiver. VerifyCare can be especially helpful for families with hired caregivers because the app allows you to view everything entered, when it was entered, and receive notifications in real-time. Read to learn how to invite your hired caregiver to VerifyCare.
How do I get my hired caregiver to use VerifyCare?
A hired caregiver can easily use VerifyCare by joining your loved one’s Care Team. After creating a Care Recipient profile for your loved one, you can enter in all care needs. Enter vitals in the Tasks Module, all medications in the Med Management module, appointments in the Calendar Module, diagnosis or allergies in the Conditions Module and so much more! You can then send an invite to your hired caregiver through the app. They can use the app for FREE to manage the care needs of your loved one. The settings you set up for each task and med will give them instructions to complete tasks, administer medication, take them to appointments, or any other unique needs. As the Account Manager, you can “Check In” for your loved one and receive notifications and monitor the care provided for your loved one.
How will I know if they are using the app?
Every entry made in VerifyCare records who marked it as complete and when, so you can monitor if your caregiver is actively using the app. You can even send messages, leave comments, or notes in the app if you would like to communicate with the hired caregiver. Receive real time notifications in the app and/or through push notifications when items are due. This tells you if the item has been completed on time. You will also receive notifications if there is an overdue or irregular item recorded by the caregiver.
Does my hired caregiver have to pay to use VerifyCare?
Nope! You can invite as many hired caregivers as you’d like to use the app for FREE as a team member under your plan.
What if I hire a new caregiver?
You can simply delete or make the prior caregiver an inactive member of your loved one’s care team. Then, invite your new caregiver as another team member. All entires made by the prior caregiver will still be visible in the app for your convenience.
What if my hired caregiver doesn’t want to use VerifyCare?
We suggest a more trustworthy caregiver! VerifyCare gives you peace of mind by virtually verifying your loved one is given high quality care. Which your hired caregiver should already be providing. If they are as reliable as they say, they should have no problem providing proof of it!