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Exploring the Wages Module

    The Wages Module allows you to easily calculate and manage payments for your Care Team through paid events. Never miss a payment and always keep a record of your wages with the VerifyCare App.

    How to add a wage rate to a Care Team member

      Before the Wages module can be utilized, care team members who are to receive a wage for their services need to be identified.

      1. Tap “More” on the main navigation bar
      2. Locate “Care Recipients” under the list of modules
      3. Select a Care Recipient to manage their Care Team
      4. Scroll to the list of care team members
      5. Tap the care team member you would like to assign a wage
      6. A pop-up will appear with the care team member’s basic information
      7. Enter the desired amount under wages
      8. Select whether the wage is per hour or event
      9. Tap “OK” at the bottom of the pop-up box
      10. Tap “Save” in the top right-hand corner

      Creating a paid event calculates the wage per hour or event based on the wage settings for the selected care team member.

      1. Tap “More” on the main navigation bar
      2. Locate “Calendar” under the list of modules
      3. Tap the plus icon to create an event
      4. Type in your event title
      5. Select your desired care team member to be included in the paid event
      6. Enter event details such as start date, end date, and time duration
      7. Activate the toggle for “Paid Event”
      8. Tap “Save” in the top right-hand corner

      In addition to seeing the paid event on the Calendar, it will now also appear in the list of paid events within the Wages Module. Please note only Administrators can create a paid event.

      1. Tap “More” on the main navigation bar
      2. Locate “Wages” under the list of modules

      Administrators are able to view wage entries for the entire Care Team, while care team members will only be able to view wages for themselves.

      1. Change the display status by tapping the “Unpaid” filter
      2. Select either unpaid, paid, or all paid events
      3. Tap the “Filter” button to filter your list
      4. Select your desired care team member by using the checkboxes
      5. Edit the timeframe by selecting dates in the “From” and “To” fields

      1. Locate the wage entry you would like to view
      2. Tap the chevron icon next to the entry
      3. A drop-down will appear with details for the paid event
      4. Tap on “View Event” to view event details within the Calendar module

      Edits made to the event from this screen will update the wage calculations accordingly. Please note that only Administrators can edit a paid event.

      1. Open the details screen of the paid event
      2. Tap “Edit” in the top right-hand corner
      3. Inactivate the “Paid Event” toggle to keep the event in place but not count it as a paid event
      4. Delete the event by tapping the “delete” button at the bottom of the event setup screen if the event is no longer taking place
      5. Tap “Save” in the top right-hand corner

      Calendar events may be edited at any time to adjust the “Paid Event” setting or the time duration of the event. The adjustments made to these paid event calendar entries will automatically flow to the Wages Module.

      1. Locate the entry you would like to mark as paid
      2. Tap the “X” icon next to the entry
      3. After tapping the “X” icon, a check icon will then appear to classify the entry as paid
      4. Tapping the check icon again will revert the entry back to unpaid status
      5. Use the “Pay All” button at the bottom of the wages screen to mark all displayed entries as paid

      1. Select your desired category for the list of wages
      2. Tap the export icon in the bottom right-hand corner
      3. You will have various options to export or send your documents depending on your device

      The exported wages document will be sent in a CSV file format.