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Exploring the Home Screen

    The Home Screen provides a summary of all calendar events, journal entries, tasks, and medications due on a given day for the selected Care Recipient. Here, you can check in or out for a Care Recipient and quickly access modules to enter data. You will be taken to the home screen upon every log in or tap the home icon in the main navigation bar at any time.

    How to select a Care Recipient

      The header displays the icons of all the Care Recipients you are involved with. The home screen will display a summary for the selected Care Recipient. The selected Care Recipient will be highlighted with a white circle around their image. To switch to a different Care Recipient, simply tap on another Care Recipient’s icon.

      1. Scroll to the end of your Care Recipient list in the top header
      2. Tap the funnel icon to bring up a pop up asking you if you would like to display active Care Recipients, inactive Care Recipients, or both
      3. Tap “OK” once you have made your selection

        Inactive Care Recipients will be displayed grayed out at the end of the Care Recipient list. Previously charted data can be viewed on either active or inactive Care Recipients, but new documentation can only be entered on those in the active status.  A user will receive an error if attempting to perform an action not allowed on recipients within the inactive status.

      1. Use the arrow icons on either side of the date bar
      2. To jump to another date, tap on the date displayed in the date bar to display a calendar pop-up
      3. Navigate to the previous month by tapping on “previous” or to the next month by tapping “next
      4. Tap the year displayed at the top of the calendar pop-up to search for a previous or future year
      5. Select the year you would like to look at and tap ok
      6. Tap the “OK” button once you have selected the desired date
      7. Tap the “T” icon in the date bar at any time to jump back to today’s date 

      Checking in for a Care Recipient means you will receive all notifications related to that Care Recipient’s activities in VerifyCare via alerts or push notifications.

      Under the “Checked In” section of the home screen, you will see which care team member is checked in for the selected Care Recipient, or if no user is currently checked in.

      1. Tap the orange “Check In” button to check in for a Care Recipient

      You will receive an alert across your screen and via the VerifyCare inbox notifying you and other care team members you have checked in for the selected Care Recipient. An orange check mark will also appear next to the Care Recipients icon indicating you are checked in. If a Care Recipient has a gray check mark next to their icon, this indicates another care team member is checked in. A Care Recipient will not have any check marks next to their icon if there are no care team members checked in.

      If there are no care team members checked in, the notifications will automatically go to the Account Manager of the Care Recipient. This ensures there is at least one care team member responsible for managing a Care Recipient’s care at all times.

      1. Tap the orange Check out” button to check out for a Care Recipient

      The Events section of the home screen lists all calendar events occurring for the selected Care Recipient on the selected date in chronological order.

      1. Tap on the event you would like to view to open the entry
      2. You can view the event details, edit, or delete the event
      3. Tap “Save” to save any changes made
      4. Tap “Back” to view the Calendar Module

      The medications section of the home screen provides a summary of meds in percentages that are complete, incomplete, or skipped, and lists when the next dose is due. Overdue meds are indicated with an alert symbol on the Care Recipients icon, as well as on the med management icon in the main navigation bar.

      1. Tap on any wheel to be taken directly to the Medication Management Module

      Much like the medications section of the home screen, the Tasks section provides a summary of tasks in percentages that are complete, incomplete, or skipped, and lists when the next task is due. Overdue Tasks are indicated with an alert symbol on the Care Recipients icon, as well as on the Tasks icon in the main navigation bar.

      1. Tapping on any of these wheels will take you to the Tasks Module where you can view and enter data as desired

      The Journal Entries section of the home screen lists all journal entries made on the selected day for the selected Care Recipient in chronological order.

      1. Tap on the journal entry you would like to view to open the entry
      2. You may edit or delete the entry, or add a new entry
      3. Tap “Reload all entries” to see all journal entries for the selected Care Recipient

      The Snapshot section of the home screen displays a summary of all tasks and medications due on the selected day for the selected Care Recipient. Completed tasks or meds will be indicated with a blue highlight. Skipped tasks or meds will be indicated with an orange highlight. Incomplete tasks or meds will not be highlighted.

      1. Tap on any task or medication icon under the snapshot section to be taken directly to that item within its’ respective module