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Getting Started with VerifyCare

    VerifyCare is an advanced support tool for any kind of caregiver. VerifyCare’s tracking modules allow you to keep a detailed record of the care provided for your Care Recipients to verify they receive the highest quality of care.

    How to Register your VerifyCare Account

      After downloading and launching the VerifyCare app, you will be taken to the Welcome screen.

      1. Tap the “Get Started” button to begin your registration
      2. Enter in a valid email in the email field
      3. Enter a password of your choice in the password field

        VerifyCare requires an email for allowing multiple device use, protecting your account, account recovery, password resets capabilities, allows for Care Team invites, sending important alerts, and receive newsletters with important app updates. VerifyCare does not share email addresses with any 3rd party entity or persons for any purpose or gain per our privacy policy. The password must be at least 8 characters in length. You may tap the eyeball icon to display the password if desired.

      4. Re-type the password in the confirm password field
      5. Tap the orange “Create Account” button

        You will receive a notice that a verification link was sent to the email you entered.

      6. Navigate to your email provider and locate the email from contact@verifycare.com
      7. Tap the link to verify your email address

        You will be redirected to the VerifyCare website informing you your account has been verified. Once verified, you can Navigate back to VerifyCare and relaunch the app. If the verification notice is still displayed in the App, tap the “Check Verification” button to acknowledge your verification and automatically log in. If the link did not work, you may tap ”Send new link” to resend a verification link to your email. If the verification was successful, you will be prompted to enter in your profile information.

      8. Select who you will be using VerifyCare for

        Myself” means you intend to track only your care needs and VerifyCare will automatically create a Care Recipient profile based off your profile information
        Others” means you intend to track only the care needs of others
        Both” means you intend to track the care needs of others AND yourself.

        You can change your mind at any time and create yourself as a care recipient or other care recipients if desired.

      9. Enter your preferred first name in the first name field
      10. Enter your last name in the last name field
      11. Tap “Continue”
      12. Tap the profile picture icon to add an image
      13. Take a new photo or select a photo from your library
      14. Use two fingers to adjust the image as desired
      15. Tap “Choose
      16. Tap “Continue

        VerifyCare will display the first letter of your first name as your profile icon if you do not designate a profile image.

        The unit of measure field is utilized to designate what format you prefer various data elements to be displayed in for your user profile, such as weight, height, and temperature. The App will default to U.S. Customary.

      Depending on your device, you may either have the option for a biometric toggle for Face ID or Fingerprint.  Only one account per device can enable this setting, so if you do not see this as an option, it would mean there is another VerifyCare User profile tied to the biometrics of the device. 

      1. Turn on the biometric toggle
      2. Re-enter the password tied to your account to verify this setting belongs to you
      3. Tap “OK
      4. Relaunch the App and log in by either entering your password or tapping the biometric login icon

      VerifyCare also offers a dark mode option of the app to display darker colors. You can revert back to the regular display at any time by turning the toggle off.

      1. Turn the Dark Mode toggle on
      2. Tap “OK

      This App may contain sensitive medical information. The Auto Log Off Feature will automatically log out of your account after one hour of inactivity for security purposes, but you may disable this feature by turning this toggle off. This will keep you logged in until you manually log out of VerifyCare.

      1. Turn the Auto Log Off toggle “off”
      2. Tap “OK

      Lastly, please select how you heard about VerifyCare.

      Word of Mouth” means you heard about VerifyCare from an individual in your life.
      Email Invite” means you were invited to be a part of a Care Recipient’s Care Team and download the app through an email invitation.
      Web Search” means you found VerifyCare through a search engine such as Google.
      Facebook” means you found VerifyCare through an ad or post on Facebook.
      YouTube” means you found VerifyCare through an ad or video on YouTube.
      Instagram” means you found VerifyCare through an ad or post on Instagram.
      LinkedIn” means you found VerifyCare through an ad or post on LinkedIn.
      Pinterest” means you found VerifyCare through an ad or pin on Pinterest.
      Blog” means you found VerifyCare featured on another site’s blog.
      TV Commercial” means you saw a VerifyCare commercial on broadcast television.

      You will be notified your profile setup is complete. If you selected you will be using VerifyCare for “Others” or “Both”, your next step will be creating your first Care Recipient.

      Depending on your device, you may either have the option for a biometric toggle for Face ID or Fingerprint.  Only one account per device can enable this setting, so if you do not see this as an option, it would mean there is another VerifyCare User profile tied to the biometrics of the device. 

      1. Turn on the biometric toggle
      2. Re-enter the password tied to your account to verify this setting belongs to you
      3. Tap “OK
      4. Relaunch the App and log in by either entering your password or tapping the biometric login icon

      VerifyCare also offers a dark mode option of the app to display darker colors. You can revert back to the regular display at any time by turning the toggle off.

      1. Turn the Dark Mode toggle “On”
      2. Tap “OK

      This App may contain sensitive medical information. The Auto Log Off Feature will automatically log out of your account after one hour of inactivity for security purposes, but you may disable this feature by turning this toggle off. This will keep you logged in until you manually log out of VerifyCare.

      1. Turn the Auto Log Off toggle “off
      2. Tap “OK

      Lastly, please select how you heard about VerifyCare.

      Word of Mouth” means you heard about VerifyCare from an individual in your life.
      Email Invite” means you were invited to be a part of a Care Recipient’s Care Team and download the app through an email invitation.
      Web Search” means you found VerifyCare through a search engine such as Google.
      Facebook” means you found VerifyCare through an ad or post on Facebook.
      YouTube” means you found VerifyCare through an ad or video on YouTube.
      Instagram” means you found VerifyCare through an ad or post on Instagram.
      LinkedIn” means you found VerifyCare through an ad or post on LinkedIn.
      Pinterest” means you found VerifyCare through an ad or pin on Pinterest.
      Blog” means you found VerifyCare featured on another site’s blog.
      TV Commercial” means you saw a VerifyCare commercial on broadcast television.

      You will be notified your profile setup is complete. If you selected you will be using VerifyCare for “Others” or “Both”, your next step will be creating your first Care Recipient.

      After registering your account, you will be prompted to add your first Care Recipient. A Care Recipient is the individual you will be tracking information on. This may be yourself, a child, a parent, or even a pet. Any individual in which care needs will be tracked can be entered as a Care Recipient.

      1. Enter the first name of your Care Recipient in the first name field
      2. Enter the last name in the last name field
      3. Tap “Continue
      4. Tap the profile picture icon to add a profile image for the designated Care Recipient
      5. Tap “Continue

        VerifyCare will display the first letter of the recipients first name as their profile icon if you do not designate a profile image.

      6. Enter an email address for your Care Recipient in the email field or leave this field blank
      7. Select which members you would like to track in the location tracking field

        Location tracking in VerifyCare is utilized to track a care team member’s location when they check in or check out for a Care Recipient.

        None” will not track location on any care team members.
        Paid Members” will only track location on care team members that have a wage set up in their member profile.
        All Members” will track location on all care team members.

      8. Tap “OK” after making your selection
      9. Tap “Continue
      10. Select your relationship you have to the Care Recipient
      11. Tap “OK” after making your selection
      12. Tap “Continue
      13. Select what type of notifications you would like to receive

        Inbox Alerts” Keep inbox alerts checked if you would like the team member to receive alert notifications within the VerifyCare inbox module. Alerts may include when a medication or task is skipped, data outside the expected data range is charted, if another user joined or left the Care Team, and other important notices to keep the Care Team member informed.
        Notifications” Keep notifications checked if you would like the team member to receive push notifications on their device when checked in for the care recipient.

      14. Tap “Continue” once you have made your selection
      15. Enter the designated wage if you are expected to receive compensation for the care provided for the care recipient or leave these fields blank
      16. Tap “Continue” when finished

        You will be notified your first Care Recipient is successfully created. As the creator, you will automatically be listed as the Account Manager and as an Administrator for the Care Recipient. You may add a Team Member at this time if desired by tapping “Yes, add a Team Member” or tap “Not at this time” to add Team Members at a later time. Please watch the “The Care Team” tutorial video for more instructions on adding to the care team.

      You will be logged out of VerifyCare after 1 hour of inactivity. After relaunching VerifyCare, you will be taken to the Welcome screen.

      1. Tap the “Log In” button to sign in
      2. Enter the verified email address registered to the account in the email field
      3. Check the box “Remember Me” if you would like VerifyCare to autofill your email address upon every launch 
      4. Tap the chevron next to the email field to select your email address from the list of accounts if the device is used for multiple VerifyCare accounts

        VerifyCare does not autofill the password for any account upon launching the app.

      5. Enter your password connected to your account in the password field or utilize the biometric login icon if enabled
      6. Tap the orange “Sign In” button to sign in

      1. Tap “More” on the main navigation bar
      2. Scroll to the bottom of the settings section
      3. Tap “Logout

      This will relaunch the app and you will be taken back to the Welcome screen.