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Exploring the Contacts Module

    The Contacts Module allows you to keep a list of your Care Recipient’s contacts within the app. Searching for your contacts has never been easier through organizing your contacts by category or role. You can also call or email your contacts directly from your VerifyCare app.

    How to access the Contacts Module

      1. Tap “More” on the main navigation bar
      2. Locate “Contacts” under the list of modules

      1. Tap on the plus icon
      2. Type in your contact’s name in the Name field
      3. Activate the toggle to list as an Emergency contact
      4. Assign categories to the contact such as Medical, Family, or Friends  
      5. You may also utilize a generic category by tapping “Other”
      6. Type in a brief description for your contact
      7. Type in your contact’s info, such as their phone number, and select the type of contact
      8. Tap on the plus icon to save after finishing each entry
      9. Tap “Save” to add your entry to the Contact List

      1. Locate the contact you would like to edit
      2. Tap on the pencil icon to make changes in your selected entry
      3. Tap on the check icon to save your changes

      1. Select the contact you would like to delete
      2. At the bottom of the entry tap the “Delete” button
      3. A pop-up will ask you to if you would like to delete the contact
      4. Tap “Yes” to confirm deleting your contact or tap “No” to keep the contact

      VerifyCare Allows you to import contacts right from your device to the VerifyCare app.

      1. Tap the plus icon to create a new contact
      2. Tap on the “Import Contact” button
      3. Select which contact you would like to import or use the search bar
      4. Assign a category for your contact and type in additional description as needed
      5. Tap “Save” on the top right corner to add to your contact list

      1. Locate the contact you would like to call or email
      2. Tap on the phone icon to call
      3. Or tap on the email icon to send an email

      1. Filter contacts through their categories by tapping the “filter” button
      2. Select which filter you would like to apply
      3. Type in the contact name or description in the search bar to search through your contacts