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Exploring the Conditions Module

    The Conditions Module allows you to keep a record of key information regarding your Care Recipient such as allergies, diagnosis, or other factors that may impact their general wellbeing.

    How to access the Conditions Module

      1. Tap “More” on the main navigation bar
      2. Locate “Conditions” under the list of modules

      1. Tap the plus icon
      2. Enter the title of the condition
      3. Select the flag type and tap “OK”
      4. Enter any notes or instructions in the Notes field
      5. Tap “Save” in the top right-hand corner to save your entry

      1. Locate the condition you would like to edit
      2. Tap the chevron icon to open the condition entry
      3. Make your changes as needed
      4. Tap “Save” in the top right-hand corner to ensure your changes are saved

      1. Tap the “Filter” button at the top of the screen
      2. Select which flag type you would like to see

      Filtering by Allergy, Diagnosis, or Other will only display that certain flag type.

      1. Locate the condition you would like to delete
      2. Tap the chevron icon to open the condition entry
      3. At the bottom of the entry tap the “Delete” button
      4. Tap “Yes” in the pop up to complete this action or tap “No” to keep the condition

      1. Locate the condition you would like to inactivate
      2. Tap the chevron icon to open the condition entry
      3. Tap the drop-down in the status field
      4. Select inactive
      5. Tap “OK”
      6. Tap “Save” in the top right-hand corner to save your changes

      Inactive conditions will continue to appear in the conditions list, but will be displayed in a grayed out font to indicate that the condition is no longer active. This is a great way to keep track of historical conditions.