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How to edit a Care Team Member

    Care team members with the status of a Team Member may edit their own profile information. Administrators have the ability to edit their own profile information as well as Team Members’ profile information, excluding their name and email. An Account Manager has the ability to edit their own profile information and care team members of any status, excluding their name and email.

    1. Locate the Care Recipient they are a care team member of.
    2. Scroll to the list of care team members and locate the Team Member you would like to edit
    3. Tapping on the Team Member will bring up a pop-up where you can make your changes as needed
    4. Tap “OK
    5. Tap “Save” in the upper right-hand corner to save your changes

    Please note: if an individual is a part of multiple care teams, editing their information under one Care Recipient will NOT change their information under all Care Recipients.