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Exploring the Analyze Module

    The Analyze module automatically generates graphs for all the data charted on a Care Recipient in the Tasks and Medication Management modules. Users can analyze the trends of a desired task or medication at any time. In addition, comparison graphs can be ran on multiple data elements to analyze their correlation. Finally, a report of flagged outlier data can be assessed to stay on top of chart entries that fall outside of the desired range. The ability to quickly export Analyze graphs allows for maximum communication among the Care Team.

    How to access the Analyze Module

      To access the Analyze module, on your main navigation bar, select the “Analyze” icon. This will take you to your Analyze screen.

      1. Select the desired topic under the “Charts” tab
      2. A chart summary screen will appear
      3. Preview different timeframes by selecting “Month”, “Year” or “All time”
      4. Use the date bar to move different timeframes by selecting the arrows on either side

      A list of entries from your selected timeframe will also display below the chart. Any outlier data will display in orange.

      If an entry error is noted, inaccurately charted data can be edited directly from the Charts screen. To edit an entry, follow the steps below.

      1. Tap the orange pencil icon next to the entry
      2. Make your changes as needed
      3. Tap “Save” in the upper-right hand corner

      1. Select the “Export” button in the top right-hand corner
      2. You will have various options to export or send the chart as an image file depending on your device

      1. Tap on the Caregivers option under the list of charts
      2. A chart overview will display of when a care team member was checked in for the selected Care Recipient

      Different colors are assigned to each care team member. Below the chart is a list of dates and times each care team member was checked in.

      1. Select the “Comparison” button
      2. Tap on the plus icon to create a Comparison Chart
      3. Enter a title for the chart in the name field
      4. Activate the data elements by using the toggles on the right side of the screen
      5. Tap “Save” in the upper right-hand corner
      6. A preview of your chart will appear with different colors assigned to each topic
      7. Tap “Back” to return to the Comparison screen
      8. The comparison chart will now be saved as a preset to be viewed at any time

      You may only select up to four topics per comparison chart.

      1. Slide the chart entry to the left
      2. Tap on the “Edit” button
      3. Make your changes as needed by either editing the comparison name or tapping the toggles to adjust which topics to include
      4. Tap “Save”

      1. Slide the chart entry to the left
      2. Tap on the “Delete” button
      3. A pop-up will ask you if you would like to delete the comparison
      4. Tap “Yes” to confirm or “No” to keep the chart

      1. Select the “Outliers” button
      2. Select your desired topic
      3. To preview a different timeframe, either “Month”, “Year” or “All time”
      4. Or use the date bar by selecting the arrows on either side

      Similar to the Charts tab, inaccurately charted data can be edited directly from the Outlier screen by tapping on the pencil icon next to the entry.