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How to administer a medication

    Users who are “Checked In” for the Care Recipient will receive push notification alerts if a medication is due and they are not currently logged into the app. Users can complete the charting for meds directly from the push notification link, or by going directly to the Med Management module.

    If already in the app, they will receive a notification reminding them the Care Recipient has a medication due at this time.

    To chart a Medication from within the Med Management module:

    1. Open the Schedule tab
    2. Locate the timeframe you would like to complete
    3. Tap the chevron icon to display the list of medications due
    4. Locate the medication you would like to mark as administered or skipped
    5. Tap on the box next to the medication icon to mark the medication as administered
    6. A blue check mark will indicate the medication was administered
    7. Tapping on the check icon again will mark this medication as skipped and be indicated with an orange “X” icon
    8. Tap on the chevron icon next to the medication to add in notes for your entry