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Exploring the Care Team

    VerifyCare was designed to keep an organized record and monitor the care provided to Care Recipients. We call those who contribute to a Care Recipients care regiment a Care Team Member.

    How to view the Care Team

      1. Tap “more” on the main navigation bar
      2. Locate Care Recipients under the list of settings

        This will take to you a list of all your Care Recipients.  Each Care Recipient is set up with a list of care team members that have access to their account. 

      3. Tap the chevron next to the desired Care Recipient to view their recipient profile and list of care team members

      There are three types of statuses for care team members: Team Member, Administrator, and Inactive. A care team member’s status is indicated below their name in the care team list.

      A Team Member is anyone who participates in or manages the care of a Care Recipient. A Team Member has the ability to check in for any Care Recipient, chart, add, and view data related to the Care Recipient, as well as edit their own entries.

      An Administrator has all of the same user rights as a Team Member, with additional privileges. An Administrator has the ability to manage the care team by inviting or removing participants, and adjusting Team Member information such as their means of notification and designated wages. Administrators also have full rights to add, chart, edit, and remove any data on the Care Recipients’ record.  A Care Recipient must have at least one Administrator on the care team at any given time.  Multiple care team members can be designated with the Administrator status if desired.

      Any Team Member listed with the Inactive status no longer has access to the Care Recipient’s account.  An Administrator can reactivate the inactive member at any time to either the Team Member or Administrator status.

      In addition to the care team settings, all active Care Recipients will also have one of the care team members listed as the Account Manager.  An Account Manager is also automatically given the status of Administrator to the Care Recipient. In addition to the Administrator rights, Account Managers also have the ability to edit care team member of any status. Account Managers will also receive all push notifications for the Care Recipients they manage, if no other team members are checked in.  This ensures that someone from the care team is being notified of important events at all times.  If you are the Account Manager of a Care Recipient, this will be indicated with an orange highlight around the Care Recipient’s icon in the list of Care Recipients. There can only be one Account Manager for every Care Recipient.

      1. Locate the Care Recipient whose team you would like them to join
      2. Tap the plus icon in the bottom right-hand corner
      3. Enter in the name of the person you are inviting in the First and Last Name fields
      4. The email address you enter in the email field is where the invitation will be sent to download the app
      5. Select whether this person will be a Team Member or an Administrator once they join the team in the status field
      6. Select the relation this person has to the Care Recipient under the role field
      7. Choose if you would like this person to receive notifications via the VerifyCare inbox, through their device’s push notifications, or both in the communication section

        We recommend keeping both boxes checked to ensure the care team member is properly alerted. If the care team member will be compensated for paid events, enter the wage amount and rate in the wages field. This calculation will connect to the wages module.

      Care team members with the status of a Team Member may edit their own profile information. Administrators have the ability to edit their own profile information as well as Team Members’ profile information, excluding their name and email. An Account Manager has the ability to edit their own profile information and care team members of any status, excluding their name and email.

      1. Locate the Care Recipient they are a team member of
      2. Scroll to the list of care team members and locate the Team Member you would like to edit
      3. Tapping on the Team Member will bring up a pop-up where you can make your changes as needed
      4. Tap “OK”
      5. Tap “Save” in the upper right-hand corner to save your changes

      Please note: if an individual is a part of multiple care teams, editing their information under one Care Recipient will NOT change their information under all Care Recipients.

      A Team Member has the ability to make their own profile inactive under the selected Care Recipient. Administrators have the ability to inactivate their own profile, as well as any care team member with the Team Member status. Account Managers have the ability to make any user inactive under the selected Care Recipient.

      1. Locate the Care Recipient the care team member you want to make inactive is a Team Member of
      2. Scroll to the list of care team members
      3. Locate the Team Member you would like to mark as inactive
      4. Tapping on the Team Member will bring up a pop-up where you can edit the care team member
      5. Select inactive in the status field
      6. Tap “OK”
      7. Tap “OK” once more to make the care team member inactive

      Please note: if an individual is a part of multiple care teams, inactivating them under one Care Recipient will NOT inactivate them under all Care Recipients.

      Deleting a care team member, is essentially the same thing as inactivating them from the care team.  Once deleted, they will no longer have access to the Care Recipient’s account.  The only difference is by deleting the care team member their member profile will no longer be available for viewing or reactivation.  Once deleted, the only way for the team member to become part of the care team again would be through a brand-new invite. 

      1. Locate the Care Recipient they are a team member of
      2. Scroll to the list of care team members
      3. Locate the team member you would like to delete
      4. Hold down on the care team members name and slide to the left to reveal the orange delete button
      5. A pop-up will appear confirming you would like to complete this action
      6. Tap “Yes” to delete the care team member or tap “No” to keep the care team member 

      Note: Even though inactive or deleted care team members no longer have access to the Care Recipient account, any data they had charted while they were active will remain.

      Any time an Account Manager inactivates themselves from a Care Recipient, or the Care Recipient is set to inactive, the Account Manager setting is cleared. Before a Care Recipient can be made active again, an Account Manager must be set. 

      1. Locate the Care Recipient you would like to take management of
      2. Tap the chevron to the right of their name to open their profile information
      3. Locate the orange manage button under the Account Manager section